Implant Dentistry for High Point, NC

What to Know About Implants and Surgery

At Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC, we specialize in transforming lives and smiles through expert implant dentistry. Dental implants are a revolutionary solution for anyone looking to replace missing teeth, offering a look, feel, and function that closely mimics natural teeth.

Dental implants stand out as the gold standard for tooth replacement. They provide unparalleled stability because they fuse directly with your jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving facial structure. Unlike dentures or bridges, implants do not require alteration to neighboring teeth, safeguarding your long-term dental health.

The process begins with a detailed consultation to ensure you're a suitable candidate. Next, our experienced team will carefully insert a titanium post into your jawbone, serving as the new tooth's root. After a healing period, where the implant integrates with the bone, we'll place a custom-made crown that perfectly matches your natural teeth.

If you're contemplating dental implants in High Point, NC, look no further than Tkatch Dentistry.

Contact us today to start your transformation.

Quality Dental Implants and Dentures

Dental implants are artificial roots and teeth (usually titanium) that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone. These dental devices are natural-looking and often enhance or restore a patient’s smile. Our dental implants are strong, durable, and comfortable enough to last for years. Dental implants are an exceptional solution for replacing one or more missing teeth without affecting adjacent teeth. They also:

  • Resolve joint pain or bite problems 
  • Restore a patient’s confident smile
  • Restore chewing, speech, and digestion
  • Restore or enhance facial tissues
  • Support a bridge or denture, making them more secure and comfortable

We also offer a wide range of full and partial denture options replacing your teeth and providing you with the daily functionality you need to enjoy the food you love and the ability to smile with confidence. Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. The process of fitting dentures to your mouth involves several appointments where a mold of your existing teeth will be created. This mold is sent to a lab where your new dentures will be designed. Once returned, we’ll remove any remaining teeth that will impact the denture before expertly shaping and fitting your new dentures to sit comfortably in your mouth. Call us today to schedule a denture consultation. 

Onlay Restorations

An onlay restoration is a custom-made filling made of tooth-colored porcelain. Onlays can conservatively repair teeth that have suffered from defective fillings, or been damaged by decay or injury. Our practice has the latest in CEREC technology, which allows most patients to have their onlay made the same day, eliminating the need for an inconvenient second visit. 

Find out more by contacting us. 

Composite Fillings

Fillings are a standard dental technique for filling deep crevices, cracks or decayed areas of a tooth with a natural-looking, resin material. The damaged or decayed portion of your tooth will be removed after being numbed, and the compound resin will be applied and cured with a special light, restoring the tooth’s structure and strength. 

Crowns and Fixed Bridges

Both crowns and bridges are exceptional ways to maintain the structure of your face, strengthen your bite integrity, and replace missing or damaged teeth. Caps or bridges are molded to fit and work with your natural teeth to restore your mouth to normal chewing function. Most of these restorations are made from porcelain; however, all gold crowns are an option as well.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is needed when the nerve of a tooth is affected by decay or infection. Our dentists perform most root canals; however, some patients may need to see a specialist. During this treatment, we’ll thoroughly numb your mouth, so you do not feel any discomfort. We’ll then create a small access opening in your affected tooth and use a micro-file to remove the damaged and decayed tooth root. Sometimes, a root canal will require a second visit. After your tooth is healed, a permanent restoration will be placed to protect the tooth. Find out more by contacting us today. 

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