Same-Day Crown with Tkatch Dentistry

Trust the Experts in High Point, NC

A dental crown can cover the whole surface of a tooth if it has a significant cavity, is diseased, chipped, or cracked, preventing future harm to the enamel and tooth structure. With the use of our in-office CEREC technology, Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC, can swiftly restore your smile and provide you with high-quality dental care while also building and placing your crown in only one session. Traditionally, this approach would involve two appointments spread out over two to three weeks.

Breaking Down the Crown Replacement Process

Even while the CEREC crown placement procedure just requires one session, it is quite similar to getting a conventional crown. Your decayed tooth will be transformed into a sturdy platform so that we can fix your crown to it. After that, we'll take a 3D scan of your mouth with a digital imaging camera and send it to our CEREC computer. With the use of this technology, we will create a personalized crown that will fit and work perfectly. The CEREC CAD/CAM milling machine will receive a block of porcelain and automatically mold the material into the required shape. Following a final fit check, your crown will be firmly attached to your tooth using dental cement.

An Affordable Option

For a CEREC crown, you can anticipate paying roughly the same price as you would for a conventional, lab-made crown. The cost of one crown type may be slightly more expensive than another, but this is not common.

Without an in-person consultation, it is impossible to provide you with an estimate for your treatment, but. Make an appointment for a consultation at Seattle Dental Co. to find out more and receive a precise pricing estimate for your procedure. We will evaluate your mouth during your consultation, offer advice on which option could be best for you, and provide you with a price estimate for both CEREC and conventional lab-made crowns. 

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