Sedation Options with Tkatch Dentistry

Offering Premier Services in High Point, NC

We are aware that going to the dentist can cause a lot of patients to feel vulnerable and afraid. For this reason, regardless of the type of treatment you’re in the market for, Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC, provides sedation solutions to make you feel more relaxed and at ease throughout your appointment. 

Explaining the Sedation Process

Sedation is a choice made by patients for a variety of reasons, such as nervousness, a strong gag reflex, pain avoidance, or just to make them more compliant throughout a longer procedure. Mention it at your next appointment, or give us a call to find out more if you think sedation would be a good option for you.

Types of Sedation

There are two separate types of sedation options that we offer:

Laughing Gas

Laughing gas can be your best option if you are a little anxious about a pending dental surgery and would want to be sedated but do not want any side effects that continue for hours following your treatment. Laughing gas can help with anxiousness and will increase your comfort level throughout your session. The effects of this sedative wear off rapidly after treatment, and we administer the sedative through a comfortable nose mask. In other words, if you choose laughing gas sedation, you can leave the office and drive yourself home or go back to work right away.

Oral Conscious Sedation

About an hour prior to your consultation, you take a pill or liquid form of oral conscious sedation. With oral conscious sedation, you can forget most or all of your appointments and experience extreme sleepiness. Even some patients nod out. This treatment can help you keep at ease and receive the dental care you require without experiencing any pain if you are anxious about a pending dental procedure or you have a more severe case of dental anxiety. If you choose this procedure, you will need to make suitable travel plans to and from our location because the adverse effects of oral conscious sedation won't subside for several hours.

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